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Is there a story you'd like us to cover? A topic you'd like to hear us discuss?


Commission a Special Episode!


Email us to schedule your episode.


Patreon supporters receive a special discount off the $250 cost for commissioning a Special Episode.


Patreon supporters at the Autarch level receive one special episode for free.

Patreon supporters at the Cthulhu level receive four free special episodes per year.


Special Episodes will appear in the main feed for one of our shows. Here are some suggestions:


Gene Wolfe stories we've skipped

Speculative-fiction short stories

Stories by authors who've influenced the writers we cover, such as Neil Gaiman, Gene Wolfe, and H.P. Lovecraft

Stories by authors who've been influenced by the writers we cover

TV Episodes


Star Trek comics

Other comics

Special topics in speculative-fiction


But we're also excited to hear your ideas!


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